Hypnosis for Fears and Phobias

“Everything you’ve ever wanted in life is just on the other side of fear.”

Have you ever missed out on an opportunity in life because you were just too afraid to try or do what the situation called for?

  • Did you pass on that exciting vacation because you had fear of flying to the destination?
  • Did you skip that vaccination not because you didn’t believe in it, but because you have a fear of needles or of going to the Doctor?
  • Did you not step up for that promotion because it triggered your fear of public speaking in front of groups?

It has been said that all fears are basically the fear of not being able to handle it (whatever the “it” may be) – resulting in an uncomfortable feeling of not being in control.  Without control, one can become anxious and fearful.  Sometimes, a previous unpleasant experience has become glued to a memory or emotional event giving you that feeling of fear that didn’t previously exist.  Sometimes, you may not even have had the unpleasant experience – just the thought of it brings up fear.  We call that a Phobia – and hypnosis works well for that too!

Girl enjoying freedom from fear

The most common fears that people seek Hypnotherapy for include:

  • Flying
  • Needles
  • Loss of Control
  • Public Speaking
  • Judgment from others

While there are many other fears that one may suffer, hypnosis works very effectively at eliminating virtually any fear.  

Overcoming fear can be your story if you truly want it.  Let me help you achieve your goal more easily than you thought possible!  Using Hypnosis, we update your subconscious associations to instill calm and joy where fear and anxiety once lived.  Imagine what you could accomplish if you didn’t have fear holding you back!

If you have a “classic” fear – Flying, Needles, Public Speaking, or if you have a more “emotional” fear – Judgement of others, feeling inadequate, etc., please contact me for a free consultation.  We’ll discuss your fear and come up with a plan to help you easily overcome it using Hypnosis and NLP.

Let’s help you get rid of your fear and open up all of the possibilities in life that are waiting for you!

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